Every Year, the leading search engine “Google” changes its search algorithm about 300 to 400 times, while some of the major algorithmic updates like Google Panda and Google Penguin can affect your online business deeply. For example, Google released an updated algorithm known as Panda on February 24, 2011 that wiped out spammer and affect thousands of businesses. Google also released penguin and hummingbird in 2013 that was major update by Google.
In 2013, Google has made lots of algorithmic changes, and the results of these changes are several old tactics for link acquisition are not going to be useful in 2014. Therefore, small business needs to review as well as adjust their online SEO marketing strategy. Some of the key points and checklist of 2014 that small businesses must remember, when making online SEO marketing strategy are.
I will explain it with an example, a client who had been paying for low quality back links for getting highest position in his niche. But, Google noticed that and slap him with a big penalty that through the client’s site from first page position to directly page 20…and made him almost invisible to search engine. The client had to face 80% dropped in organic traffic with a big business loss. Remember, removing low quality links from hundreds of websites is a long time consuming process.
Therefore, the most significant concept must be obvious, but is certainly value exploring is “Don’t Do Icky or Crappy SEO”. Link building, keyword stuffing, creating crappy content, over-optimizing back link text, article submission on various article directory none of such techniques will work for your business in 2014 .
What is the solution? With growing Smartphone usage, making a website that is friendly to Smartphone users has now become a critical part of website management. Recently, Google update new algorithm to crawl Smartphone’s content that indicate there will be more value of responsive web in compare of 2013. other factory like quick page load times, build relationship not just links, create easy website navigation, unique meta tags and content and sure social media which has big role in search engine ranking including Google plus, Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn etc.
The next big thing for small business is to create high quality original content, and must be written by professional writers or authors. According to Google’s Hummingbird recent changes, “Always produce content that answers questions authentically as helps people.” However, if you are producing pages materials with keywords only for attracting people or customers into visiting your business site, then ready to get a slap of Google update. Google only like actual humans behind the blogs, articles, or pages content, but does not like faceless. Therefore, always hire professional writers for making content. However, attributing authorship always makes content more shareable on social networks.Creating good content strategy is not easy as one need to have good information on niche so he can create eBooks, whitepaper, info graphics and research based blogs etc
Guest blogging has blown up in 2013, and is going again to explode to year since it is one of the most powerful ways of building quality inbound links and traffic in 2014. It is extremely significant for you to create high quality original content as well as use strict criteria when choosing your targeted websites. However, if you are going to dip your toes into spammy waters, then be ready for taking a slap from the future Penguin update of Google. But be aware from spam guest bloggers it has been noticed by Google recently Matt Cuts has explained in his blog that why people now need to avoid guest blogging if the purpose is gaining links. It’s our recommendation to take advantage of guest blogging to get exposure, branding, increased reach, community, etc
Are we taking our social media seriously? In experts SEO advices 2014, social media and sharing will have a big impact on search engine optimization (SEO), it is also clear it will affect on small business. Google also updating its algorithm to catch social media updates in real time, the relationship between search and social media is going to be more significant than ever in 2014, and will be continued in the upcoming years. In social media, small business can compete with large businesses on the same level so that social media is going to become one of the best techniques or strategies in small business marketing.
The mission of this giant search engine is to provide its searchers with the most valuable as well as helpful content. Remember, sharing and posting unattractive content that does not promote engagement will have no use on promotion for your business. Therefore, think about producing unique, valuable and useful content for your website visitors. There is a free beginner’s social media practice guide by Moz seems to be nice tutorial for new business or we have blog step by step social media boost your business Appearance in LinkedIn, Facebook and Pintrest?
Social networks are extremely important for Google rankings, and Google+ is the most imperative. Today, most businesses are not using Google+ yet, so you go ahead of them just by creating a Google+ profile. After, verified your Google plus account, and once it’s verified, communicate with your business fans or customers through emailing, and ask them to leave reviews on your Google+ profile because peoples’ reviews are a vital factor in rankings with Hummingbird, so immediately take benefit of this attribute.
Google algorithms such as Panda, Google Penguin or Hummingbird etc all has aim to provide better search result for their users. These algorithms penalize a shady SEO practice that has aim to manipulated search engine ranking by producing unnatural links. Therefore, follow best SEO strategies and create good quality website for gaining higher organic rankings as well as driving more traffic to your site.