In order to provide best search results experience to the users, Google keeps updating its algorithm. This time Google has come up with its Penguin Update. Penguin is introduced by Google to battle against web spammers or sites that are violating Google’s guideline. This was initially called the Over Optimization Penalty, then the Web Spam Algorithm Update, and finally became Penguin Update.
How to know whether your website is affected by Google Panda
Did you found major drop in search engine rankings in or around 24th April 2012? If yes, you most probably have been hit and If your web traffic and web ranking are increased then you are at right track and no need to worry at all about anything . If your traffic and rankings have been hit and still you think that it a mistake than you may contact Google to reconsider and review your site.
Even if it is confirmed that you have been hit, don’t worry and have some patience. Recovering from panda hit might be a easy or tough jb depending on the situation. You have to search the factors that has penalized your website ranking. The first version of penguin 1.0 is more attacking towards unnatural and spammy links. I have listed several inbound link issues that I have seen during my analysis for Using Exact Anchor Text.
• Paid Text Links
• Comment Spam
• Article Marketing Sites
• Links from spam sites
Clear Factors of Over Optimization Penalty
Following types of sites have been hit i.e. that are not following Google webmaster guidelines and trying to make fool of search engine through spammy techniques for better rankings :
• Keyword stuffing
• Link schemes
• Cloaking, “sneaky” redirects or “doorway” pages
• Duplicate content
Recovery Tips
There is one and only one thing that Google wants you to do. Make a website for users not for search engines. Make your website as if search engines don’t exist and live happily year after year. This Google Url is worth reading.
Fresh idea – One thing that Google always love to crawl is fresh content and appreciates that with good ranking in search engine. If your content is good and authoritative, it will become popular and will receive good feedback from real people … search engine rankings will automatically follow.
Say no to Duplicate – Never copy and paste contents from else where. Google already has billions of data and links and Google definitely hates anybody slapping the same content on web again and again. so always use unique and quality content.
Social presence – If you ar creating quality contents hy not share that content on social networks. If you still not aware about the importance of social networks or don’t have a social presence. Try creating your own social profiles and start sharing it. Social netword brings immense traffic and proves authority of your contents. Google plus, facebook, linkedin, twitter are few social networks worth using.
Link scheme- Once again I would love to say that Google has cleared in his guidelines that “Don’t participate in link schemes designed to increase your site’s ranking or Page Rank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or “bad neighborhoods” on the web, as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links.”
It is always advised to think of long term goals rather than short term goals. Using spammy techniques to fulfill short term goals is always harmful in the long run. That being said, the only matra for getting higher search ranks now is to generate quality contents and make website as if search engines don’t exist. Good luck with your websites. Feel free to leave your comments on this. 🙂