Every year Google update search algorithm hundreds of time and these updates make effects on search engine results. On the previous year Google took lots of steps against the spammers to supply best search result that is actually first aim of Google to serve high quality website for best searching experience. Now it has become essential to perform WHITE HAT SEO for seeing a site on top list of Google search result. With this blog I want to take attention of owner of small business who are not actually aware on power of Google updates for their site search results and have listed all major updates by Google –
Google Panda Trap
Google Panda took avatar in Feb 2012 and Google keep rolling this algorithm by every month and while we talk about 2012 then first updates was experienced on 18th January 2012’ with name Google panda 3.2 for this year and then it continued rolling with few updated on version such as 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,3.6…… 3.9.2 and so on. You can look all updates of Google panda with dates and version here. Every updates made impacts on search query and the most negative impact have to face by small on mid size companies’ web sites. There is overall aim of Google by updating panda versions is to lower the rank of low quality websites and return high quality sites for users search query, by this way many brands got benefits and got better rank and seen mixed result in every cases. There are few points to be noted while concerned on Google panda –
Google Penguin Trap
The biggest steps that were taken by Google by last year were Google penguin update, this algorithm also knows with various name such as “web spam update”, “Over optimization penalty” with aim to decrease search engine ranking for low sites those violating webmaster guidelines. This algorithm was firstly updated on 24 Apr-2012’ and approx 3.1 search query were impacted by this update. Again negative impact was seen on mid size company that went to back foot again due to unethical links for their sites. Unlike Google panda, Penguin get rolled time to time and we know that updates with following names penguin 1.1, Penguin#3. Now way of performing SEO is quit change and more ethical to gain ranking and traffic for mid and small business. Remember we update on May about how to perform SEO after Google Panda and penguin updates. Google also announced Google disavow tool to webmasters to use only in condition when they believe that site is being harmed by few low quality links that cannot be removed or controlled by webmaster.
Image search Improvement and Byline Dates
The first major update by Google was image search algorithm that held on 5th Jan and that was about to improving relevant image search result. Google had cleared though this updates that now people will get more benefits by enjoying spam-less image search result. In case if you are searching a company name in Google image search engine then it will be more accurate than previous.
Byline Dates is an awesome updates by Google that much robust result so that users may choose most updated web document from search engine. It was great to watch search result that with updated dates of web blogs or web content on search result. It also indicate that how your website or blog is updated that increase chance to come out for small and mid size company to earn searchers confidence.
Outshine Solutions Vision for 2012
The last year was like a puzzle about panda and penguin updates as the both major algorithm run high impact on search queries. Google also announce some more updates that held on last year such as page layout algorithm, Google DMCA penalty for copyright issue. However that gives very tinny impact on midsized companies’ results. Outshine Solutions serving SEO services India since last seven year and we always keep tense vision on each search engine updates so our SEO result remain superb for our customers sites. Even there is no bad impact face by any Google updates on our sites.